BACKGROUND CHECKS are a very informative, but discreet, look into the past and present of a friend, lover, employee, relative, fiancée, roommate, housekeeper, landlord/lease, opponent, nurse, babysitter, nanny or other care-giver. Our computer databases accesses millions of records, giving you an accurate, up-to-date, detailed report. From the listing of an individual's most current and past addresses, to an in-depth profile of property ownership, criminal history, corporate affiliations, driving history/Due's, bankruptcies, judgments and liens, previous employment record, and past workers compensation claims It also verifies personal identifiers and lists possible relatives including but not limited to spouses (past and present) and dependent children, and can even reveal important "bonus" details such as whether the person has been found mentally incompetent in court. Our report may, in some cases, include a consumer credit analysis as well.